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RTL to GDSII (P&R) Services
PrimeSilicon provides full Placement and Routing services for cutting edge technology.
RTL Synthesis & STA
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Design Sign-off Services
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Design for Test (DFT) Services
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Analog Design Services
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Superior speed and strategies to improve tapeout Schedule
Experts to optimize low power targets
Engineers who flawlessly implement low power strategies!
We foresee issues to avoid disasters in full chip timing closure
Let us deal with your IR/EM Problems
Our recent Tapeouts:
Cisco multiple tapeouts
Nirvana/Intel AI Chip
Tapeouts with 8LPP, 14nm FinFET Samsung technologies
Infinera multiple Coherent DSP chips
Cadence palladium chip
Tapeout with N7, 16nm FinFET, 28nm TSMC technologies
ZTE multiple low power cellphone chips
Clariphy multiple Fiver Optics networking chips
RTL to GDSII physical implementation
RTL Synthesis
SDC development and clean-up
STA: Full chip timing closure, timing ECO
PV: block and chip level physical verification
IR/EM: Block and chip level IR/EM verification
PNR methodology development
Low power methodology development and implementation
UPF development, implementation, and verification
Low power, low latency, high speed, custom clock tree implementation
RTL development and verification
Analog design implementation
Custom Layout
Mixed signal design solution
Mixed signal design solution
PrimeSilicon designs and develops mixed-signal ICs using patented techniques to enable noisy digital circuits and sensitive analog circuits to co-exist without compromise.
Low power design solution
Low power design solution
PrimeSilicon's technologies allow you to address power at every stage in the design flow from ESL through functional verification all the way to physical implementation.
Very high speed design solution
Very high speed design solution
"HIGH SPEED" - These are two words that are bound to catch the attention of everyone in this generation. The need for speed is increasingly becoming a necessity in all application.
Multi power domain design solution
Multi power domain design solu.
Multiple power domains are top issues on a long list of complex new geometrical and electrical verification requirements.